It's almost a minute to midnight. Every time I say this I should be thinking Linkin Park.....but I'm actually channeling Inferno, the third and final movie in the Thomas Hanks as Robert Langdon film series. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but the "minute to midnight" speech sets up the entire flick.
It's almost a minute to midnight. The ball has begun to drop. The 2025th year of Anno Domini (AD). MMXXV. You might be getting ready to smooch the one you love and without–a–doubt incorrectly sing "Auld Lang Syne". The lyrics are 'Should AULD acquaintance be forgot'. Or is it 'OLD'? Is it 'ALL? And do you know the next line? I don't.....and every time I hear it I think of the final scene in It's A Wonderful Life. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but it's TOP 5 Holiday Movie. Ever.
What I do know is that once the tune ends, it's time for my resolutions to take priority. No more holiday cookies or cakes (ok, maybe 1–2 more). I'm gonna get outside daily before or after work. Run injury free (hard to control, but it's wishful thinking). Tackle every race on my calendar. Put more races on my calendar.
Photo courtesy of Steve Dyer, @morbid_gourd
What are your resolutions? Get fitted for a new pair of shoes? Run with a new club? And don't forget about our weekly runs from our stores. That information can be found HERE.
Please keep it locked to #MYPHILLYRUN as there are a LOT of brand–new items releasing in January. Exciting footwear upgrades include, but aren't limited to:
Looking forward to seeing you out there. Merry New Year!
Postscript: I know it’s “Happy New Year.” If you’ve ever seen the greatest Holiday movie EVER, Trading Places, you’ll get the “Merry New Year” reference. And if you haven’t seen it…..stop what you’re doing right now and stream it!